Furcoat Vegan

Monday 27 July 2020

Face Time

"Tommy, it's so good to see your pretty face and hear your voice. Yeah, thanks for asking. I'm having lots of fun at this yoga retreat, just like feeling more centered, grounded and pure, I rally needed this Dear.
 But how is your playdate weekend with Cameron going? Oooh I love the outfit, are those Polka Dots one of the outfits my Aunt Susan treated you to?

One of Cammie's hand me downs? that's nice, bargain then. I don't think you look silly at all Dear chic and prim, I'm so proud of how pretty I've made you over, sure makes those people who said you'd be a lifelong virgin eat it!

I think it's a lovely look to go to the park in, you feel overdressed compared to his casual sweatsuit? He probably just wants to show his new bestie off, not upstage you.

You seem kinda antsy, for someone who was fucking all night?

Cammie took both the Dick pills I got you and slapped you in a chastity. So you were passive the whole time, gosh. Uh-Huh.... Well, I'm not surprised he didn't get you off he's had multiple reductions. What a bitch though!

I'm sorry Sweetie the whole point of our weekend apart was for you to get to be all masc in bed, get your oats, right?
But can ya suck it up and still be super nice to Cameron please Honey?

Not be all grouchy or whatevs. I know it's unfair Buddy, you kinda do have a right to be sulky, for once.
But his Wife is my boss, so it would really help me at work if you didn't kick up a fuss.

If I get this promotion you can stop waiting tables at the Forced Fem Burlesque Club. Well it's really important principle to me that my modern Husband doesn't work, I was so right about college and trying to be a regular boy being an epic fail for you. I really believe your place is in the home.

Well I'm sure you'll meet some nice Real Men in the park, so it's not exactly what you wanted but some proper D will get you off with the cage on perfectly. Then you'll feel much better Precious.

 Yeah since the therapy really took hold he's been really boy crazy, not surprised he wants to go prowling for Studs.

Katherine says he loves being dominated by a man. So I really thought he'd let you give it to him, even though you are way weaker, he's a little softball star. I mean I get it he doesn't respect you or see you as a boy, but it was still very selfish. He's totally spoiled.

Gawd don't worry about it, he'll get a gorgeous man for a Cutie like you, he even manages to supply tons of 20 somethings for his Mother in Law, he's got as much game as he had as he had when he was a womanizer.
I'm sorry but I'm not really looking to have old fashioned sex with you super soon, that's a lot about what all the modern girls are learning about on this retreat. Spiritually it's not good for either of us right now.

But can ya maybe find some Dreamboat dude who we could have threesomes with? The teachers here say I need oodles more of that. Well find me a man and I'll make sure we find you a Femboi so frail and subby he'll totally be chill with you doin it to him boystyle!

I know you find it really comforting but don't you dare go watching these ep's of the View we've banked, you know that's our special thing. Well I'm sure after the boys have split Cameron will let you snuggle him tonight, if you explain how much you need some cuddles. He's not that mean!

I gotta dash now, love you too Tommy, Namaste!"

Thursday 20 December 2018

My Tumblr

As it stands, not to jinx it my tumblr is still going and so far only lost two caps I really liked, neither broke the rules imo.

So check me out on tumblr

Forced Fem Caps


I will still keep this going incase tumblr do something even more brainless

But would only put caps here until things change if a nude like this was vital to it
Bless Sarina

Wednesday 12 December 2018

How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love The Snip

I won’t dodge the issue I am a female supremacist absolutist and have worked in forced fem in many capacities. I completely support forced feminization for boys who deserve it. Which I define as boy who someone whose credit checks out says they deserve feminization.
But now I’m actually coaching and advocating on Sissies behalf helping good fems who accept they are a girl now for good, live productive and fun lives as best they can after the traumatic loss of their masculinity.
The biggest issue they express is their fear of the snip and I have developed some great strategies for a sissy to avoid it. Some of them are a little counter intuitive, an element of reverse psychology is used but I have seen them really work for a range of sissies.
-Never act possessive about your dick and balls refer to it as your Mistresses or Masters property. It’s hard to front it out but act real easy breezy about it act like you know they will make the decisions that are best for their silly bimbo. If you don’t seemed scared of the snip, it loses a lot of power. Say that being locked up makes you feel safe and loved. It could be blue balls or no balls sweetie pie.
-When another sissy is getting snipped act excited to attend and wear your best new frock and favourite head turning fur. This further communicates you aren’t all hung up on what your owner or spouses thinks should be in your panties.
-When a sissy has been snipped in front of doms act super positive about it ‘Congratulations Babe on being a total Pussy Girl’. ‘I bet you can’t wait for your first time!’ ‘It must be ever so cute The Surgeon has such a long waiting list’. This can cause resentment amongst devastated newly snipped sisters but these crybaby bitches aren’t controlling your fate.
-Always humourlessly compare your teeny weeny to real men’s big lumber, saying how much you love the contrast and how it makes you feel you are in the perfect place in life. His rooster and your harmless cute clitty.
-Whether its with studs or a dom ladies strap-on put the word out about how eye rolling back pillow bitingly good your boss makes your mini piece feel, in sissy gossip sessions.
On occasions these methods have back fired and made a owner figure their sissy must want to be as flat as a Ken Doll. So I can’t say it’s infallible.
But it’s much better to be pro-active and astute and tell doms what they want to hear in your attitude to your own anatomy. Acting like some nervous Nelly totally on edge about getting the big surgery almost invites it. Act like a happy progressive femmy who’s tiny harmless peepee is just a small but wonderful part of their new wonderful feminine life.

Monday 10 December 2018

When A Sissy Gets Married...

His Exes get the best seats in the house
“Who says prison doesn’t reform men, Marcus looks like a Princess!”
“It’s so good we were able to come together to fund his Prison Husband’s legal appeal, the silly bitch was actually trying to be a boy again until his Kingpin Groom was released.”
“It’s a bit much that Marcus is wearing white he was really playing the field inside until he found a man who wanted him exclusively.”

Friday 7 December 2018

Have Yourself A Girly Little Christmas

My FLR Marriage started out so well I completely humbled a tall masculine man with a high powered career with drugs and hypno and put him firmly under my thumb. It had always been my biggest turn on to destroy a real arrogant alpha male and this one was a total keeper. You would think we lived happily ever after lol.

Yeah he turned out as a stunningly beautiful Amazonian lady, almost too beautiful he started to get so full of himself, snooty, tantrum prone and always demanding more Furs and handbags. 
It was in a way hilarious to see what had been such a dominant masculine male now so ditzed up that he was fixated on being a the most decadent ultra fem clothes horse on the sissy social scene. 
But The Diva was getting to be a bit much, he needed an ego check and with Christmas coming up and thinking about his past life I came up with the perfect plan. 
He could have his first ever Christmas as a little girl! 
Christmas is really most fun when you are a kid and he’d wasted all his as a rowdy messy boy. His pig tails and puff sleeved little girl frock, looked very incongruous on such a statuesque sissy and it wasn’t anything like the sophisticated opulent couture in Vogue he’d been trained to covet and lust after. 
But he wouldn’t be out partying this Christmas, making the other sissies envious, he would be tucked in tight in the spare bedroom at 6.30pm!
Little girls don’t have a wife in their bed they have a stuffed animal! 
No drugs, none of the girly cocktails and champagne the party girl sissy has been slinging back, just childish food, juice boxes and a Disney film before a bubble bath and bed.
When my family and friends came over on Christmas Day the silly goose tried to hide in the garden, I thought he would catch his death he’s so delicate and fragile. 
My teenage nieces had loads of fun adding lots more ribbons to his hair and making him play juvenile games as he pouted.
He was a real grumpy girl when he got his presents he was used to Dior and Chanel it was all toys from Mattel and Disney Princess stuff. The demanding label addict was not impressed with his Barbie play make-up set one bit.
Full fledged tantrums really did make him seem like a fussy little girl and a begrudging thank you came from Sissy Husband only after a firm spanking. 
Missy has not got long to turn his behaviour around, of course it’s humiliating going down from Sissy Starlet to little girl status but that’s the life of a sissy, he really should throw himself into anything his Mommy wife wants with bubbly enthusiasm.
If the spoiled madam keeps pouting he’s attending The New Years Eve party as Baby New Year: Bonnets, Petticoated Baby Dress, Booties, Mittens and a huge Diaper any guest is welcome to change if he disgraces himself!
I think a few days a week in adult baby day care could keep the prima donna down to earth, so he’s a nicer sissy party girl.

Thursday 6 December 2018

Christmas With Her Family

“Hey Baby, have you cheered up a bit? Come on cuddle up.
I know my Dad and Brothers are pretty Alpha and it’s been a little intense but they are gonna warm up to you just think of it as hazing. 
We are packed to the rafters, I think it was just a mix up that you ended up being seated at the kids table for dinner. 
The Christmas day football in the back yard is a tradition but it can get a bit too tough so I just figured you’d rather gossip and help in the kitchen with my Mom and Aunties. 
Yeah I played and some of my girl cousins got involved too but we were all involved in high school athletics. We haven’t found a sport you can beat me at yet, plus the guys go easy on the girls they’d really want to put my new bf in his place. I thought it best if you stayed in your comfort zone you really are such a good domestic.
Now now my Daddy was never going to let you sleep in my room. that’s just the way he is, so protective of his only daughter. I wouldn’t be so stressed out about rooming with my gay cousin, sure he’s flirty but your not his type at all.
The girls in the family just dressed you up like Cruella as a bit of fun. Dress up is the sport for the girly girls in my family.
We all loved it and thought you were a great sport until you got all teary eyed and upset at my Brothers teasing you.”
I’m going to go down on one knee and propose to my future sissy husband in front of my whole family, while he’s still Madame De Vil! Putting my Grandma’s diamond ring on his slender femmy finger is going to be major lols, he already looks so fetch in her vintage Fur! 
The whole family will know my marriage is FLR from the start, they’ll be no pretence or trying to be one of the guys for my Fiance. 
The men in my family are old fashioned men’s men and I love them but my marriage is going to be totes Progressive!

Phone Home

“Hey Baby, yeah it’s all great here, I’ve thrown all of Henry’s boys stuff, away and I’ve made the spare room liveable, though there’s lots more I’d like to do, make it fit for a real glamour boi. I wish you were here too hon, but with you still having some feelings for him it’s probably best if I handle it and explain I’m your girlfriend now and he’s just our sissy bitch.
“So you are going to fetish club tonight? It's amazing that such a Boss Bitch likes to submit sometimes! That’s great it’s cool, I love being in progressive relationship, both being able to hook up with men and not being all hung up on ownership and old fashioned patriarchal silliness. I’ve got a date with some older rich guy, he’s going to show me this city.”
Henry’s already legally a girl, he has no possessions and we’ve cleaned out his bank accounts. He might as well go along quietly with the big tough security team and get down to learning to be a lady at Girl-A-Matic. It’s really for the best an empowered lesbian couple, a sissy bitch to keep house and us all getting our needs met from real men with no strings!