Furcoat Vegan

Friday 7 December 2018

Have Yourself A Girly Little Christmas

My FLR Marriage started out so well I completely humbled a tall masculine man with a high powered career with drugs and hypno and put him firmly under my thumb. It had always been my biggest turn on to destroy a real arrogant alpha male and this one was a total keeper. You would think we lived happily ever after lol.

Yeah he turned out as a stunningly beautiful Amazonian lady, almost too beautiful he started to get so full of himself, snooty, tantrum prone and always demanding more Furs and handbags. 
It was in a way hilarious to see what had been such a dominant masculine male now so ditzed up that he was fixated on being a the most decadent ultra fem clothes horse on the sissy social scene. 
But The Diva was getting to be a bit much, he needed an ego check and with Christmas coming up and thinking about his past life I came up with the perfect plan. 
He could have his first ever Christmas as a little girl! 
Christmas is really most fun when you are a kid and he’d wasted all his as a rowdy messy boy. His pig tails and puff sleeved little girl frock, looked very incongruous on such a statuesque sissy and it wasn’t anything like the sophisticated opulent couture in Vogue he’d been trained to covet and lust after. 
But he wouldn’t be out partying this Christmas, making the other sissies envious, he would be tucked in tight in the spare bedroom at 6.30pm!
Little girls don’t have a wife in their bed they have a stuffed animal! 
No drugs, none of the girly cocktails and champagne the party girl sissy has been slinging back, just childish food, juice boxes and a Disney film before a bubble bath and bed.
When my family and friends came over on Christmas Day the silly goose tried to hide in the garden, I thought he would catch his death he’s so delicate and fragile. 
My teenage nieces had loads of fun adding lots more ribbons to his hair and making him play juvenile games as he pouted.
He was a real grumpy girl when he got his presents he was used to Dior and Chanel it was all toys from Mattel and Disney Princess stuff. The demanding label addict was not impressed with his Barbie play make-up set one bit.
Full fledged tantrums really did make him seem like a fussy little girl and a begrudging thank you came from Sissy Husband only after a firm spanking. 
Missy has not got long to turn his behaviour around, of course it’s humiliating going down from Sissy Starlet to little girl status but that’s the life of a sissy, he really should throw himself into anything his Mommy wife wants with bubbly enthusiasm.
If the spoiled madam keeps pouting he’s attending The New Years Eve party as Baby New Year: Bonnets, Petticoated Baby Dress, Booties, Mittens and a huge Diaper any guest is welcome to change if he disgraces himself!
I think a few days a week in adult baby day care could keep the prima donna down to earth, so he’s a nicer sissy party girl.

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