Furcoat Vegan

Thursday 6 December 2018

Christmas With Her Family

“Hey Baby, have you cheered up a bit? Come on cuddle up.
I know my Dad and Brothers are pretty Alpha and it’s been a little intense but they are gonna warm up to you just think of it as hazing. 
We are packed to the rafters, I think it was just a mix up that you ended up being seated at the kids table for dinner. 
The Christmas day football in the back yard is a tradition but it can get a bit too tough so I just figured you’d rather gossip and help in the kitchen with my Mom and Aunties. 
Yeah I played and some of my girl cousins got involved too but we were all involved in high school athletics. We haven’t found a sport you can beat me at yet, plus the guys go easy on the girls they’d really want to put my new bf in his place. I thought it best if you stayed in your comfort zone you really are such a good domestic.
Now now my Daddy was never going to let you sleep in my room. that’s just the way he is, so protective of his only daughter. I wouldn’t be so stressed out about rooming with my gay cousin, sure he’s flirty but your not his type at all.
The girls in the family just dressed you up like Cruella as a bit of fun. Dress up is the sport for the girly girls in my family.
We all loved it and thought you were a great sport until you got all teary eyed and upset at my Brothers teasing you.”
I’m going to go down on one knee and propose to my future sissy husband in front of my whole family, while he’s still Madame De Vil! Putting my Grandma’s diamond ring on his slender femmy finger is going to be major lols, he already looks so fetch in her vintage Fur! 
The whole family will know my marriage is FLR from the start, they’ll be no pretence or trying to be one of the guys for my Fiance. 
The men in my family are old fashioned men’s men and I love them but my marriage is going to be totes Progressive!

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